Clothes painting tutorial

Painting clothes might seem hard for the begginers but it's really easy. To paint it we will need:

-paint for the base colour
-paints for highlighting (optional)

1. Well it's obvious - start with painting the main colour of the clothes

On these models I used Rhinox Hide and Dawnstone for the coats, Baneblade Brown for the rags on the hands and legs, and Caledor Sky for the... errr. scarfs I guess?

2. Now cover everything with proper shade

For the coats and scarfs I used Nuln Oil to make some areas shadowed and Agrax Earthshade for the rugs because I wanted to make them look dirty and have brownish colour.

3. Basically you have finished painting clothes - you can leave them like this - dirty and worn, or clean them a bit. To do this you have to use the same paint and repaint most of the clothes only to leave these shadowed areas.

As you can see I did it to coats and scarfs, but I left rags dirty, I like the look of them already.

4. Now use your other paints to highlight the edges or some bigger parts of the clothes

I have reapainted most of the coats to make shadowed areas even more dark (and because the highlighting colours are a bit too light so it didn't look so good, but as you can see you can achieve good results with such paints as well), and only highlighted the edges of the scarfs. I used Teclis Blue, Mournfang Brown and Eshin Grey.

Follow these steps with any other clothes and finish the model! And voila! There are these cultists finished (well, almost finished, I still had to finish bases):

(The rags on the autoguns are painted with Screaming Skull and covered in Agrax Earthshade - one of my favourite combinations)

And here are other examples of painted clothes by my hand (you could see them before on the blog):

(ignore the dates, I've been experimenting ith the camera :P)

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